Tagged: The Jonathan Wamback Story

Tagged The Jonathan Wamback Story is a Canadian television film that first aired on CTV in 2001. The film follows the story of teenager Jonathan Wamback and his struggle with teen violence. The film is based on a true incident.

Jonathan is approached by Gord Nelson and Jeff Walters, two cool guys who profess to be committed to standing up to Kyles gang. They come across a Skulls tag graffiti spraypainted on a warehouse wall. Jon impresses them when he climbs up and spraypaints over it, turning it into a sword tagged over thus Tagged. They notify him that by doing so hes effectively declared war on the Skulls. To make things worse Gord has painted racist remarks over a Skulls tag in the park washroom and the gang jumps to the conclusion that it was done by Jon. In response, the gang lures Jon to a park where he tries to escape by scaling a fence, only to have them attack and beat him up so severely that he winds up permanently disabled and on life support.Lozanne and Joe establish a routine of daily care participating in his physical therapy, washing and tending his broken body, talking to him even though he doesnt appear to hear. Their love for Jonathan and complete dedication to helping him recuperate slowly starts to heal their fragile relationship. As Jon slowly starts to emerge from his coma, Joe lobbies to have the Young Offenders Act rewritten to impose harsher penalties for violent crime. ........

Source: Wikipedia